When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 1099

Chapter 1099


Chapter 1099

Avery was extremely moved by Elliot’s profession of love for her that night. However, she also felt sorry that the wedding he had prepared for so long was ruined. 

Even if they had gone through with the wedding that afternoon, she would still feel uneasy. 

Henry had gone too far! He could have chosen any time to expose the scandals, but he deliberately chose to do it on this day! “I used to think that most people in life are good people, but some people manage to renew my knowledge of bad people over and over again.” Avery raised her glass and took another sip. “Are you talking about Elliot’s big brother, Henry?” Tammy asked. “He’s a pretty disgusting man, indeed. Even if Elliot isn’t his biological brother, Elliot has been treating him pretty well over the years! He didn’t take any of that into account. He really was too cruel.” “If Rosalie was still alive, she definitely wouldn’t have allowed Henry to behave that way.” 

“That’s right. Don’t be upset, Avery. After everything that happened today, I feel like I saw a brand new side of Elliot that I never saw before.” Tammy recalled the vows that Elliot had said to Avery on stage as he gazed deeply into her eyes. “I always thought he was nothing but a successful businessman who put money above all else. Tonight showed me that he’s also a man who prioritizes love and relationships.” 

“It’s too bad life is so unfair to him. An ordinary person wouldn’t be able to endure any of the things he’s been through.” Avery finished her champagne in one gulp. “I feel so bad for him. The thought that he will be labeled as a murderer from now on makes me feel like a frenzied 


“Do you know why he killed Eason Foster?” Tammy asked. “Everyone’s talking about it.” 

“Eason Foster was abusing Shea. If Elliot hadn’t killed him, then Shea would’ve been the one who got murdered,” Avery said coldly as she placed her empty glass down. “I said life is unfair because Elliot has never been treated kindly from the moment he was born. Neither his biological family nor the Foster family gave him the warmth he needed.” 

At ten that night, Elliot came to the banquet hall to pick up Avery. 

Avery was drunk DYUKItce was resting her head on the table as she mumbled utter nonsense. 

Elliot helped her up from the table, then shot a cold gaze at Tammy. “Is this what you meant by taking good care of her?” 

Tammy pulled back slightly and put on an innocent face. “I told her I’d send her back to the room but she refused. She insisted on waiting for you to come to pick her up.” “How much did she have to drink?” Elliot smelled a strong whiff of alcohol on Avery’s body. Tammy lifted a finger. “One glass?” Elliot was surprised. 

Tammy shook her head, 

“One bottle?!” Elliot drew a deep breath as he could not hold back the irritation in his voice. 

“She insisted on drinking. What was I supposed to do?” Tammy had a splitting headache.” Hurry up and take her back! She might be a lightweight, but she’s not a bad drunk. She’s been lying down here the whole time and didn’t cause a scene. She’ll pay for it tomorrow, though.” 

If eyes could kill, then Tammy most likely would have been killed by Elliot’s glare at that moment. 

He picked Avery up in his arms and stormed out of the banquet hall. When they returned to the villa, he placed Avery on the bed. 

She suddenly opened her teary eyes and asked him seriously without blinking, “Honey… Did we… Get married today?” 

Elliot took off her shoes, then gazed at her with his deep-set eyes and said, “That’s right. What’s wrong?” “‘Then… Does that mean tonight’s our first night together… As husband and wife?”

